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Person With Dignity Story #5: We Can Do It Too!

Discrimination is one of the worst things that you can do to someone, not just to PWDs. It is an act of unfairly treatment to a person because they possess certain characteristics. This is not a good action towards other people because you are being judgmental to them.

Sadly, a lot of people are still experiencing different forms of discriminations. One of the most common discrimination that people do especially to PWDs is labeling them of being incapable or incompetent.

Some people are describing people with disabilities as someone who cannot do anything. They thought that they are just people who are liabilities. However, the person that we will feature in this article prove these people wrong.

This person showed the people around him that he is not just a people with disability, but he is also a person who is capable. He is living his life today with dignity, faith, and hope.

Let’s Get Started

Today, we will look at the story of a person who has a visual impairment in his left eye. He also have a diabetic neuropathy which causes his nerves to be painful occasionally.

The name of this person is Lucky Angelo Vengua and he is currently working as a team leader for a design company in the United Kingdom. He loves to play games, make arts, and model kits as a past time hobby.

Same as the other stories, we asked some questions to Lucky about his opinions with dignity, his proud achievements, his dreams, and hope for the future. According to him, dignity is giving someone the value of an individual or as a person.

For PWDs like him, Lucky reiterated that people should not treat them as a liability but as a person who has value. They are people who are capable of doing or achieving something by using their abilities.

Sample Artwork of Lucky

Yes, it is true that PWDs really needed some special privileges to do things their way. But that does not mean they cannot do something on their own. ‘If other people can do it, we can do it too’, said Lucky.

That’s why when he is making arts, as a profession and as a hobby, he feels so dignified and proud because it proves to other people that he can make designs too despite of his visual impairments.

Sample Artwork of Lucky

Art is special for Lucky because he can express all his emotions to his artworks. He can show the people that his amazing designs are done by a visually impaired person. Imagine the difficulty for him to create designs by only using his one eye.

Truly, anything is possible if you believe in yourselves and the abilities that God has given us. We just need to develop it and make use of it to make us feel confident in ourselves. Do not give up and let our situations cripple our faith and your confidence.

Moving on to the questions we asked Lucky, he said that the dream that he would like to happen in the future is for him to teach other people. He wanted to mentor others on how to make designs because he was also taught before.

Sample Artwork of Lucky

Lucky wants to pay it forward all the kindness that he has received before from his mentors. He also wants to show the people that despite our challenges in life, we can overcome it with our faith in God and in ourselves.

That’s why before we ended our interview, he shared some insights to his fellow PWDs. Here’s what he said,

Your disability does not define who you are, what defines you is what you do with it. We all have the same opportunity in just different capacities. The only way to fail is when you give up.

What a wonderful insight from Lucky who have persevered a lot of things in his life and is still striving until today. Just like what he said, the moment we give up in life is the moment we start to really fail.

Story Takeaways

The lesson that we can get from this story is to stop discriminating other people, PWD or not. We cannot judge them of what they can do based on their looks, race, gender, disability, and their background.

Stop tagging people that they are worthless or powerless because they are different from what you have achieved. Remember, if you can do it, they can also do it too, This form of discrimination is most evident to people with disabilities.

Most of the time, people labeled the PWDs as people who cannot do anything because they are differently abled. Yes, they are different, but that does not mean that they do not have their unique abilities.

If you do not believe it, read through the stories in this website and see it for yourself that people with disabilities are also people with dignity, hope, and faith that can do amazing and wonderful things too.

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